Imagine never being worried over the size of your penis, makes it bigger, longer, stronger, and thicker…

My name is Kwaku Davis I am an Expert in Sexual Products that has helped people who have short and little penis to get their penis bigger, thicker, and longer

So if you have tried many products and you’re worried that you won’t be able to get your penis bigger and long any more.

…DON’T Worry, I have an amazing solution that will help you get your penis bigger, longer, and thicker. 

But before I show you exactly what to use to get your penis bigger, thicker, and longer, I want you to know that…

There are products that can help you get a bigger, longer, and thicker dick. 

Because, when you look at those pornstars what do you see? 

Full girth bigger, longer dick. Right!! 

Of course, some of your mates even get bigger, and longer dick.

[HeadLine Head]+ [Headline Tail]

The truth is what you believe is untrue, that someone like you cannot get a bigger and thicker penis without any side effects. What is actually true is anyone can get their penis bigger, thicker, and longer by using the right product with the right instructions implemented. Here is How it Happens I have seen people with little to short penis, growth their penis full girth bigger dick. According to the USA, Base TV said many men have got bigger and longer dick when they got the right product. But the worst part is… Those untrue believe you’ve is sabotaging your chances of reaching your goal of getting a bigger, longer, and thicker dick. The hard truth is...


In Ghana, those who use penis enlargement creams have testified of not getting any sign of side effects, after using the product and have seen significant results.

That is why I need you to listen carefully… 

One thing that will happen if you don’t get these fix is your partner will not be able to enjoy your penis when you meet her, and you will not feel proud of the man you are. 

I know this is why you’ve been struggling to find a solution to this embarrassing problem.

You’ve pretty much used penis enlargement pills and creams, but it didn’t work for you



Today’s Price = $X

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Pay 5,000 naira to: 3809596027. FCMB. INFOSOLUNET Services, Then Send proof of payment to and the SwipeFileBox will be sent to your email in 10 Minutes or less
To contact support call: 09080094454
Note: Using the paystack link above gives you access automatically but everyone who pays with transfer will be sent the product manually

I understand that your time is valuable and so I’ll get straight to the point, there are 3 problems right now.

Problem #1: [Insert Problem #1]

You Struggle to [Insert Prospect’s Struggle] because [Insert Reason Audience Struggle]. You think [Insert wrong belief] and become discouraged when other people with way less [Insert what prospect has in common with others getting result] seem to [Insert Prospect’s desire]

Problem #2: [Insert Problem #2].

 I know you may have tried [Insert Solution Prospects Usually Try] but they turn out to [Usual Problems of Those Solutions].  

Problem #3: [Insert Problem #3]

Attempting to help you solve this problem are a large influx of [Insert Name Competitor Group] who promise to [Insert Prospect’s Desires] but end up never delivering on that promise.

Right now you are so frustrated you almost don’t believe this problem can really ever be solved


Now if these problems sound familiar, you're probably in one of these 2 camps...

Category #1

You really wish [Insert the number 1 thing prospect desires] but no matter what you do [Insert the main pain they feel]

Category #2

You only get [Insert little wins gets] but you want [Insert Bigger win prospects desire]. Period

If You Fall Under Any of These Categories, Let me Help You Solve This Problem - FOREVER!

Imagine dramatically reducing [Insert What Prospect Will Love to Reduce]

Imagine jump starting [Insert Desired Result]

Imagine never having to [Insert Pain Prospect Wants to Avoid] again


You can [Insert Desired Result] Without [Pain Prospect wants to Avoid]

Introducing [Insert Product Name]

[Product Tagline From OfferSheet]

Exactly what you need to [Insert Prospect’s Main Desired Result]

Exactly what you need to [Insert Prospect’s Main Desired Result]

[Desired Result] is Simply About [Insert Product’s Unique Selling Point] The Moment You Get [Insert Product’s Unique Selling Point] Right, Everything Changes!

My name is [Insert Your Name] and I help [Insert target audience] Move from [What prospect wants to avoid] to [Prospect’s Desired Goal]

in that past [Insert Number] years i have helped [Insert Number] [Insert Market you serve]achieve their [Insert Niche Name] Goals.    

I have been featured on [Insert Media Mentions].

Just like you i have also [Insert problem you had in common with prospect] until i was able to finally [Insert Desired outcome] 

And one thing i have realized in all of these years is that all it takes to [Insert End Result] is to Figure out [Insert Unique Selling Point of Your product]

I mean [Insert what prospect is used to] Is simply NOT enough! This because [Insert why what prospect is used to is not enough] 

What you need is [Insert Unique selling Point of your product]. Period!   

Here is what is inside


⇒ #1: Insert Features Name]

If you want to [INSERT DESIRED RESULT], [INSERT FEATURE]  are still the best way to do it Without [What Prospect Wants to Avoid]. [Insert Feature’s name] will help you [Insert What feature does] so you can:  

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does] 

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does]

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does]


⇒ #2: Insert Features Name]

If you want to [INSERT DESIRED RESULT], [INSERT FEATURE]  are still the best way to do it Without [What Prospect Wants to Avoid]. [Insert Feature’s name] will help you [Insert What feature does] so you can:  

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does] 

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does]

[Insert Benefit of What Feature does]

Pheww...That’s a Lot

You get [Insert What They Get]. eg You Get Over 3000 pdfs, plus 394 Multiple Purpose swipe files and Psychology Books.
Everything that I use to create MADASS content

Here is what you get inside

My name is Kwaku Davis I am an Expert in Sexual Products that has helped people who have short and little penis to get their penis bigger, thicker, and longer So if you have tried many products and you’re worried that you won’t be able to get your penis bigger and long any more. …DON’T Worry, I have an amazing solution that will help you get your penis bigger, longer, and thicker. But before I show you exactly what to use to get your penis bigger, thicker, and longer, I want you to know that… There are product that can help you get a bigger, longer, and thicker dick. Because, when you look at those pornstars what do you see? Full girth bigger, longer dick. Right!! Of course, some of your mates even get bigger, and longer dick. The truth is what you believe is untrue, that someone like you cannot get a bigger and thicker penis without any side effects. What is actually true is anyone can get their penis bigger, thicker, and longer by using the right product with the right instructions implemented. Here is How it Happens I have seen people with little to short penis, growth their penis full girth bigger dick. According to the USA, Base TV said many men have got bigger and longer dick when they got the right product. But the worst part is… Those untrue believe you’ve is sabotaging your chances of reaching your goal of getting a bigger, longer, and thicker dick. The hard truth is...

Total Value – $X

Use the Button To Pay With Paystack

Pay 5,000 naira to: 3809596027. FCMB. INFOSOLUNET Services, Then Send proof of payment to and the SwipeFileBox will be sent to your email in 10 Minutes or less
To contact support call: 09080094454
Note: Using the paystack link above gives you access automatically but everyone who pays with transfer will be sent the product manually

The truth is I could 1000% charge in the hundreds of thousands for [Insert Product Name]. They’re [Insert Benefit of Owning the Product]

But I know most people won’t have tons of money to spend on this  if I actually priced it what I paid both in time and money to create them

So I’m gonna make The Swipe File Box absolutely irresistible for you.

Instead of its regular price of [Insert Big Price] (Which I would have loved to sell it for)
I’m practically giving it away…

For [Insert Smaller Price].

(Yes, Really)

Here is what you get inside

Ideal for [Insert Your Audience]!

Total Value – $X

Regular Price – $X

Today’s Price = $X

Use the Button To Pay With Paystack

Pay 5,000 naira to: 3809596027. FCMB. INFOSOLUNET Services, Then Send proof of payment to and the SwipeFileBox will be sent to your email in 10 Minutes or less
To contact support call: 09080094454
Note: Using the paystack link above gives you access automatically but everyone who pays with transfer will be sent the product manually

And if you’re Not 100% Satisfied… Neither Am I.​

Pick a Guarantee Statement from the Guarantee section in the Swift Cash FE Copy Template and paste here

Pick Urgency Statement from Doc and Paste Here…

Body of Your Urgency Statement Goes Here…


Most frequent questions and answers

The answer is – lai lai! These are proven to convert sales letter swipes that i collected over a period of 4 years from over 60 different sources – sometimes paying as much as 50,000 naira just to get a few of them. They are 1000% exclusive materials

Because Nigeria is hard…if i sell it for EXACTLY what it is worth, how many people can afford it? How many people can actually afford to pay me 350,000 naira for 3,973 sales letters? Tell me…so at this price, everyone can afford it. 

…then i don’t want your money! Simply send us a message at and we will send you back your money. No question asked. 

Trust me you can’t! It took me 3 days to upload everything. But not to worry – everything has been arranged and hosted on Google Drive. So all you need to do is simply search for what you want, and download just that one – anytime you want!

Copy a CLOSING Statement from Doc & Paste Here

Body of Closing…